We work worldwide to assist organisations, institutions and businesses in the design, monitoring and evaluation of human rights, justice and governance-related strategies and interventions.
Studies and assessments
Rightshouse conducts human rights research and socio-political context assessments. This includes identifying needs, opportunities and challenges for future development interventions.
Strategy and methodology development
Rightshouse assists in developing policies, strategies and methodologies including on human rights-based approaches to development and results-based management for governance interventions.
Training and mentoring
Rightshouse provides training and mentoring services on various human rights issues, as well as on planning, monitoring and evaluating development interventions.
Project design and partner selection
Rightshouse facilitates the planning, formulation and partner selection of development projects to ensure both effective implementation and learning.
Rightshouse specialises in evaluating human rights-related interventions and organisations for purposes of learning or control.